BOA lymphatic massage – a procedure performed with apparatus which consists of a pneumatic control unit and chambers for pressotherapy imposed on a limb. During the procedure, air is pumped between the double walls of the pump chamber, causing pressure on the body. The treatments have a strong influence on the body, promoting the resorption of the interstitial fluid. It removes toxins, stimulates venous and lymphatic drainage and influences the flexibility and nutrition of tissues. We use pressure massage in the treatment of venous insufficiency with edema, after mastectomy and as anti-cellulite treatment.
Classic massage – is the direct interaction of mechanical stimuli on the skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscle. It is performed, as indicated by different movements or techniques of one or both hands. It improves circulation, increases the elasticity of tissues, acts as a relaxant, pain relief, increases the venous blood flow to the heart and improves lymphatic circulation.
Aquavibron – a treatment consisting of therapeutic massage. Thanks to its application we can get rid of many small, but troublesome conditions and alleviate their symptoms and improve quality of life. Aquavibron can ensure health, well-being and relaxation after everyday stress. It is used for muscle tension and pain of various origins.